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Everything and Everyone, have a place in the BeeCRM

We are an Israeli SaaS company, the fruit of countless efforts and developments by leading software experts! Since 2002 to today, we are the most advanced CRM software for business and client relationship management, and the omnichannel system that connects all communication channels in one place, from “EditEdith Software Solutions”. Our company emphasizes humanity, service, courtesy and providing a quick and professional response to every request, in order to ensure that everyone has convenient access to their business’ management! Over the years we have accumulated extensive business and organizational experience with a variety of large and small clients, and how did we do it?

Simple and easy to use interface

An interactive software for organizational and business management, with a user interface, no less than perfect, which enables every employee to deliver maximum performance.

All of the business actions, for everyone

With our unique modular development - you can customize our system to any scale of business activity: Small, medium or large businesses, and receive comprehensive solutions with fast and reliable customer service, including complete tech support in Hebrew or English, and a support center with explanations, videos and articles for every issue.

Complete Systems Sync

Direct lead registration from every platform, measuring employee effectiveness, automation for healthy customer relations, transferring tasks between sales representatives, employee communication documentation, setting up and operating products, inventory management, advanced billing management, emailing invoices and many other great features.

One safe encrypted software

Edith Software Solutions Ltd., the parent company of "TheBeeCRM", prioritizes your information security. Your organizational information is of paramount importance, and we do everything to protect it from the threats that exist on the network.Edith Software Solutions Ltd. is managed by ISO 27799 and ISO 27001 information security standards. These certificates are our insurance policy for all organizational information security needs, using advanced technological means (disconnecting users, alerts for abnormal activities, password changes, etc.) and strict procedures.

Backups protected for up to a month
In any case, we have disaster recovery backup, to get you to full operation within minutes.
Defensive Cyber Security
Our company undergoes frequent penetration tests for backups and information security.
Additional means of information security
Confidentiality agreement for all subcontractors, protection of the company's work environment and computer facilities, restriction of access rights to networks, and monitoring of intrusion events and response management.

Need help?
We are here for you

online support request, Leave details and our representative will get back to you as soon as possible.